threecardsI’m delighted to be launching my first full card reading course, based on the best-selling card set, The Guardian Angel Oracle.

For more than two years the angels were prompting me to create a set of cards with personally empowering wisdom using pictures and images that contained simple visual symbolism. The idea was that they would be simple, yet meaningful to as many people as possible. The motivation was to give everyone a set of tools to enhance their angelic connection to bring inspiration, guidance and comfort from the angelic realms. Not just to be used for ‘fortune telling’, but for personal spiritual development.

Each time the cards are used, by connecting with the original energy of the angels, those using them with good intentions will receive guidance on many levels to help them along their personal, spiritual life journey. All the cards contain a positive message and you do not need psychic skills or highly developed clairvoyance to get the best from them. Just an open, generous heart is required, and a genuine desire to connect with your celestial guardians.

AngelInsight_New_BeginningsTo create the pack I was given fifty-two words. For each one I asked for my own divine inspiration for the correct ‘spiritual’ meaning and symbolism of each word. I sat quietly in meditation with a lit candle and having first said a prayer for guidance I waited until a message came into my inner knowing.

Because I am a visual kind of person I quickly saw a clear picture in my mind’s eye and was given a rapid explanation into my thought stream. (When I am receiving Divine guidance it comes more quickly than I have time to think my own thoughts). Then I quickly wrote down the words and described the images as they came to me.

From those divinely inspired ‘instructions’, each card was beautifully designed and illustrated by Rene Milot, a Canadian artist, depicting the vision I was given. I researched the spiritual symbolism and created affirmations to go with each illustration in order that every person would receive as much information as they need to enable them to decipher the meaning for themselves.

threecardreadingMy intention as a Spiritual Educator is always to empower and enable people to learn how to access Divine guidance for themselves. These cards were not intended as tools for ‘fortune telling’ but as a guide for personal and spiritual growth. By using the symbolism of the cards, messages contained in the accompanying book, and the affirmations, everyone can learn to intuitively ‘feel’ the energy of the cards and discover something meaningful. Everyone, children especially, love the beautiful colours and sparking light emanating from them.

There are no negative messages, the Angels are always positive, loving and supportive.

Since publication I have received hundreds of requests from readers and workshop participants, for more information about how to use the cards. The new ‘Angel Insight Programme’ contains further techniques for using the cards, more detailed descriptions of the symbols contained in each image, and demonstrations of how to use the cards for yourself and for giving readings for others. There is also an extended programme for those who are using cards professionally as part of their spiritual work, in which I discuss issues such as protecting oneself spiritually and helping clients to discern truth.

To read more about the new programme, click here.

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